Research: Factors that Impact Ranking and Conversions in Local Search

How much more valuable are high rank positions in Google local searches? What search features appear most often in high-ranking results?

We’ve crunched the numbers in order to discover what kind of a difference it really makes to rank well in local searches on Google. There’s an old joke in SEO circles that the best place to hide a body is on page 2 of search results, the implication being that no one ever looks beyond the “10 blue links” on page 1. How true is this when it comes to local listings, and how often do other conversion-oriented search features, like snippets from reviews and website content, appear in top-ranked results? Watch on demand and find out:


  • How many more search views and actions do businesses get when they win placement in the Google three-pack?
  • What’s the relative value of rank positions 1-20 when users click through the three-pack to view more results?
  • What are the most important search features in top-ranked results, and what can businesses do to optimize for them?


Learn more about the features of top-ranked businesses and how your marketing efforts can benefit from our findings. 


Don’t wait – watch on demand today!



Damian Rollison

SOCi,  Director of Market Insights