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What is localized social marketing? It’s the biggest untapped marketing opportunity for national franchise brands — and SOCi just wrote the book on it.

Introducing The Franchise Playbook for Localized Social Marketingthe brand new guide to capturing your most engaged audience, widening your brand reach and unleashing the power of brand authenticity.

This comprehensive playbook contains the latest data pulled from SOCi’s social media and reputation management platform — providing unique insight into the power of localized social marketing to drive customer engagement.

Localized social marketing focuses on building a local presence for a business, leveraging locally-driven communication channels to reach the specific local communities it serves (rather than a broad/national approach).

According to a research report by SOCi and the Local Search Association, 72% of brand engagement happens on local pages. Combine this with the report that 73% of potential franchisees use local social pages as a premier source of decision making when considering new franchise opportunities, and you start to see why localized social marketing is so vital to brand visibility.

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Every national franchise brand should have a localized social media strategy, and The Franchise Playbook for Localized Social Marketing addresses this within the first few pages. The playbook reveals the differences between centralized, decentralized and hybrid social management models while providing recommendations on the right one for your franchise brand.

The right model can help franchisors and franchisees take control of the factors that affect local brand visibility such as social content, mentions of the brand in social conversations, and reviews for individual franchise locations.

The guide also explains which platforms are ideal for establishing a localized social presence and provides valuable updates on emerging social spaces such as Google Posts, Google Q&A and Facebook Recommendations

Any localized content strategy starts with claiming local franchise pages on Facebook. According to the aforementioned research report, Facebook leads the pack on consumer engagement with local content, driving 26 times the activity seen on the other networks combined.

In The Franchise Playbook for Localized Social Marketing you’ll get in-depth information on the five essential steps to achieving localized social success:

    1. Establishing goals
    2. Building and maintaining a social presence
    3. Managing customer care
    4. Leveraging social for growth
    5. Measuring performance and success

Of course, the guide also reveals the most frequent pitfalls that can derail any brand. Understanding these essential steps and potential challenges can help simplify, streamline and optimize your online presence on both the brand and local levels.

As a marketer for a national franchised brand, you can be the powerhouse that drives brand awareness, customer loyalty and new sales. The Franchise Playbook for Localized Social Marketing will be your go-to resource for local strategies, giving you the know-how to start writing the blueprint for your revamped nationwide franchise marketing plan.

Download The Franchise Playbook for Localized Social Marketing now to unlock the power of social media marketing 

Learn how SOCi can help take your
localized marketing to the next level.